-Open doors for others
-Return shopping carts for people
-Volunteer at the local food pantry, school, library, etc.
-Thank someone for t...heir hard work
-Write notes of appreciation to anyone who's made a difference
-Look for ways to serve people in your family
-Bring in the neighbor's garbage can/recycling bins
-Help a coworker meet a deadline
-Offer to watch a young mother's child for a few hours
-Take a friend/neighbor's dog for a walk (and give him a nice brushing afterward!)
-Mow/rake/sweep for an unsuspecting neighbor
-Spend an hour picking up trash at a local park, beach or roadway
-Go through your clothes and donate items to a local shelter
-Spend an hour at the local nursing home assisting with crafts or reading to residents.
-Adopt a soldier as a penpal
-Give someone a compliment
-Donate blood
-Leave a positive comment on a blog
-Let someone in line go ahead of you
-Ask all your friends & family members to do something nice for one other person in honor of your birthday and to use the money they would have spent on a gift/card for you toward an act of kindness instead!
Do you have any others that aren't listed here? Leave a comment and share your ideas!